Monday, October 25, 2010

Whaling: Why is Japan the Main Focus?

Usually, when the topic of whaling is brought up, the pro-whaling country that would come to mind most often is Japan, whose current total catch numbers are around 1,000 whales per year. Doing an internet search on "whaling" yields numerous articles on Japan's whaling industry and the criticism the nation faces for its actions.

But what about the other whaling countries? Norway and Iceland are big participators of commercial whaling; why don't we hear as much about them? Is it really fair that Japan must handle most of the criticism while the others do not?

The following article brings up these issues and provides a few reasons why Japan might be viewed as the "face of whaling".

"Why Is Japan Whaling's Bogeyman When Norway Hunts Too?"

-- Erika Najarro

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